F1 in Schools UAE Nationals 2014

F1 in Schools UAE Nationals 2014


The F1 in Schools UAE Nationals 2014 took place on May 11, 2014 with the Safire Racing team taking part for the third time in a row.

The pit display for the UAE Nationals 2014

The pit display for the UAE Nationals 2014

The new 2014 Safire Racing team put in all their energy to make this their most perfect national competition ever, after only making second place last year, due to infringements on the technical regulations of the car. After arriving at the Media Center of the Yas Marina Circuit (by now almost a second home for Safire Racing) the pit display setup commenced and the team was already finished almost half an hour before the actual time limit of one hour.

The team found extreme relief after the set up, by getting to know that there have been no infringements against the technical regulations of the car, meaning no points were taken off, and therefore the full potential of the team and its car could now be shown. It has previously happened way too often that the cars of Safire Racing had infringements (some even critical), and it was one of the biggest goals to not let this happen any more. Credits also go to our sponsor and manufacturing partner DNA Filters from Greece that helped the team perfect the car, and will continue to do this in future, as Safire Racing still follows the goal to innovate and to set new standards in the competition.

Speaking of standards, Safire Racing was the first team to head to the verbal presentation, which also meant all members of the judging team were present, enabling them to synchronize results, and enabling the team to set a high standard for the further presentations to come. Also the races went very well with the SR05 bringing the team to the first place in the speed ranking, even though there was only a difference of 0.001 seconds to the second placed team.

After the last part of the judging schedule, the pit display judging, there was only one thing left to do: wait for the results. The team was confident about

The winning team 2014.

The winning team 2014.

having done a good job and hopes were very high for a spot on the podium – andthey made it! Safire Racing became first overall in the F1 in Schools UAE Nationals 2014 (with 100 points advantage to the second placed team), and therefore received the ticket to represent the UAE at the next World Finals in Abu Dhabi. This will be the second time for Safire Racing to represent the UAE in the UAE, which is an absolute honor. And be sure: the team will take all the previous experience to let the trophy stay in the Emirates.

Last but not least, the whole Safire Racing team, no matter if the competing students, or the people working behind the scenes in different places around the world, want to thank the main sponsor, Porsche, for all their support, and of course thank all the other wonderful sponsors and partners for everything they have done to make this journey successful. It is not quite over yet, and we can’t wait to see everyone again at the F1 in Schools World Finals 2014 in Ferrari World Abu Dhabi.